18 October 2008

I started smoking...

...since yesterday...

phew, i wish i could say that. but no, i didn't start smoking.

well, it all started off with pangkor trip, tru out the whole trip i felt like i was in a smoke chamber, getting punished and going to die, of lung cancer.
Most of the council members are smokers, so I can't really do anything, or say anything.
I tried, but it didn't work. Just apparently some people just didn't know the meaning of respect, i don't blame them, really.
No point actually. Got sick of doing that.
Most of my friends are smoker but never had a problem with them, they all respected my rights as a non smoker, so i respected their will to smoke.
Then, i start to realise that I am overly exposed to cigarettes. and now i just wish i am part of them, so at least i wont feel so headache every time they pulls out a stick.

I actually hoped that i smoke too, so i can get rid of all this irritating effect by that annoying smoke.

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